Should You Repair or Replace Your Windows

When it comes to any problems with your windows, you will want to know whether to repair them or to replace them. It’s true that many issues can be fixed, but some problems call for replacement rather than fixing. In fact, sometimes trying to repair a problem is just a band-aid solution since the original problem will materialize again sooner or later. As a responsible homeowner, you’ll want to know when it might be time to go to a Rancho Cucamonga, CA replacement windows store for new windows. Here’s a look at how you can tell what to do.

Water Leaking into Home

If you notice water getting into your home through or around your windows, you’ll have to figure out the cause. Sometimes the problem stems from drainpipes and gutters that are not draining properly. The backed up or slow draining drainpipes and gutters could ultimately direct water towards your windows. You might want to try cleaning your gutters and drainpipes to see if this helps matters. If this makes no difference, your window casing might have failed. You’ll want to look for new windows if the water is getting in through your windows. A replacement window store professional will be able to access the situation and to provide an expert opinion.

Inoperable Sashes

What happens if your window sashes no longer work the way they’re supposed to? There are different possible causes of this type of problem. The inoperable sash could have come off track, the spring might have broken, or some other hardware problem might have occurred. You can usually fix such problems. Get in touch with a replacement window store to explore your repair options.

Broken Glass

Should you seek to replace broken glass or fix it? If you still have single pane windows, you might be able to fix the problem. But single pane windows are not ideal. In fact, they trail behind double pane and triple pane windows when it comes to energy efficiency, security, and more. So if you have a single pane window with broken glass, it might be a good idea to upgrade to a multiple pane window rather than to fix a single pane window. If your double plane or triple pane window is broken, you can ask a replacement window store about whether a sash replacement might be in order. The better option, however, may be to replace the window altogether. When you go to a reputable replacement window store, you’ll get proper counsel. The choice will be yours as to how you proceed, but you will at least learn all your options.

When you go to a Rancho Cucamonga, CA replacement windows store for the windows you need, you’ll want to see your options and to speak to helpful staff. What you’ll get when you visit our showroom is a great overall experience. You’ll find all types of windows, interactive displays, and personable staff members who will explain the entire process and answer your questions. We also provide professional installation services so that your windows are put in properly. For a limited time, you can also get 20% off all purchases involving any combinations of four or more products. Give us a call or stop by our showroom to get in touch. We’re here to help!

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